Mini Bio

A picture of Brandon in his garden
Curriculum Vitae
PGP Public Key
I'm passionate about both exploring the world around us via empirical methods and spreading that passion to the next generation.

My interests include: artificial intelligence, primate visual perception, brain-machine interfaces, and drug discovery.
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1910 Genetics
Boston, MA 02210
Featured Project

Visual Abstract
LFP Coherence as a function of laminar depth and lateal distances in macaque visual cortex
Cox MA, Moore B, Dougherty K, Young MS, Maier A. (2013)
To better understand the pattern of LFP coherence within a volume of cortex, these correlations were examined in the resting macaque. We found that coherence drops as both a function of lateral and radial distance, however, deeper cortical layers remain more coherent than superficial layers.