Mini Bio

A picture of Brandon in his garden
Curriculum Vitae
PGP Public Key
I'm passionate about both exploring the world around us via empirical methods and spreading that passion to the next generation.

My interests include: artificial intelligence, primate visual perception, brain-machine interfaces, and drug discovery.
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1910 Genetics
Boston, MA 02210
Featured Project

Visual Abstract
A comparison of the synaptic input to visual areas V1 and V2 from primate pulvinar
Moore B, Li K, Mavity-Hudson JA, Casagrande VA. (2015)
Projections from the thalamus either drive or modulate the flow of information to cortex. Where pulvino-cortical projections fall within this framework is unknown. Based on fluorescent and electron microscopy, we propose that projections to V2 drive while those to V1 modulate cortical activity.